Vinyl Tablecloth Alterations
I was over the moon when I found a round vinyl tablecloth for my kitchen for $1.99 at Ollie's Bargain Outlet.
Ollie's is a high class place and I'm a high class kind of gal -- the kind that needs a vinyl table cloth. Never mind my reasons. As for print choice, if you recall my kitchen curtains, you know why I couldn't resist more stick figure leaves. (I'd call it serendipitous if if weren't for the that darn mustard color.)
As much as I love trying to salvage my poor wooden tabletop, I can't handle tablecloths hanging off of the table and getting all askew. Therefore, I sewed a small casing around the edge of the vinyl and pulled a cord through in order to gather the hem of the tablecloth up and under the table. (If you are having a hard time picturing this, hang in there, I'll show a pic in a minute.)
Warning: Pulling a cord through a casing around a 60" vinyl tablecloth is not for the faint of heart! Or for people with arthritis.
I tried to find something strong for a cording, but all I had was yarn and the cording you see above. (For the love, I've looked everywhere to find the name of this cord -- it looks like a fishtail braid. I know I used it for draping in fashion design but that's as far as my brain will take me.) Anyway, don't use it! It is not strong enough!
Long story short, this is what I ended up with:
My apologies for the grainy pictures. Natural light is hard to come by in this rental house.
From adult height, the underside is not really that noticeable. Is it? Humor me?
No worries, we're not about glamour around here. Obviously. We're about keeping little people from pulling off tablecloths and making my life that much easier.
I think it makes my vinyl floors look dirtier, don't you? Good thing I don't run a home decorating blog!
Hi Liz, thanks for your nice comment on my post today. I didn't see you in the link-up! The tablecloth is totally practical and you did an awesome job. I also just checked out your fabric wallet post and loved it!!! Going to give one a try!!
ReplyDeleteOh you so-very-DEFINITELY need a wallet to match your fabulous bag. Just don't come yell at me if you hate it, lol. (I didn't get into the link up today, but hopefully next week. I always enjoy clicking on your projects when you join in!)