My Very Own Dress Form

Isn't she g.l.o.r.i.o.u.s?

What shall we name her?

I can't even tell you how long I have wanted a dress form to help with my alterations work.

Some of the dresses require an assistant, if you will.

After many years of deliberation, I invested in a professional one.  My main consideration was sturdiness and longevity.  This one has a solid metal base, collapsable shoulders, and it is fully pinnable.  It's so heavy, I couldn't carry the coffin-like box to the basement by myself.


Pretty much anyone who has ever heard that I have a bunch of kids and sew on the side says something to the effect of "HOW?!?"

Well, sometimes like this with a baby on my back...

 But not often because, shockingly, my little people don't find my hobby to be nearly as fascinating as I do.


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